Monday, December 31, 2012

Permission to spam

Lots of web agencies and gurus are bent on "getting permission."  Someone gives you their email address and great! you are cleared to send email!  Business owners are nervous about getting labelled as spamming and they take each opt-out personally.

No one likes receiving spam, but you don't need permission to deliver a relevant message either.  Have you ever flashed your headlights at another car because they didn't have theirs on?  Or, chased down someone to let them know they inadvertently left something on top of their car.  (My father has driven away with the gas hose still in the filling tank a time or two.)

Spam, the food, consists of various parts of a pig with some filler, preservatives, and flavor enhancers.  The makers of Spam are under no false pretenses; it is not a Christmas Ham or Kobe filet.  It is not meant to be the best, freshest cut of meat.  It is meant to last on a shelf indefinitely and sustain life in an underground bunker.  

My point is, you know if you are making spam.  Spam content is nothing like fresh, relevant content.

If your emails are timely and relevant (to the receiver) they will never be considered spam.  Make it easy to opt-out and don't take it personally.  

If you have a list of emails, use it.  If you have an important relevant message, don't wait for permission.  The majority will be happy you flagged them down and told them.  

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